Saturday, February 2, 2013

Simple Pleasure: Snow

I love am obsessed with snow! I'm talking little kid, jumping up and down, grinning from ear to ear, every time I see snow. It's snowing tonight in Virginia and I am enjoying every minute of it.

Curled up on my couch with my pups and a glass of wine, listening to sweet tunes, and watching the snow fall. My kind of evening!

Snow brings with it a sense of magic and wonder - just what I needed!

Just keep swimming...

Yesterday, I started my new job – my first job as a classroom teacher. I’m teaching middle school science. While I was excited to finally get started,  the night before I was a complete mess, tossing and turning with “what if” scenarios running through my mind. I could not understand why I was so nervous. C’mon, I am teaching 11-14 year-olds, they cannot be that scary!

I know that the majority of my nerves stemmed from being unfamiliar with the school district, school, and curriculum. Imagine walking into a presentation without any idea of what you’re supposed to be presenting. Terrifying, I know. But, I also recognize that this will get better with time, so I decided to do my best and let it be.

Overall, my first day went well. I was able to meet all of my students and some more colleagues. I enjoyed getting to know my students a little bit and beginning to learn the general flow and environment of my new school. And so, I’m off and running, trying to be the best I can be and make a difference in my students’ lives.

Here’s to taking it one day at a time, never giving up, and striving for excellence!