Sunday, December 30, 2012


Decmber has been nothing short of a whirlwind, and once again, I have let my blog fall to the wayside. December rolled in and it was time to organize and sort everything we own in preparation for our big move. In that same time, I finished my student teaching and master's program - woo hoo! I am extremely excited to be able to spend some time working before beginning any classes again.

Then, it was time to move. Because the husband was leaving the military, we were able to use their moving services for the majority of our things. However, the movers came about two weeks before we were leaving so there was plenty of stuff to pack into two vehicles. The drive was long but rather beautiful, and I used Christmas music and some other "belt it out" type songs to pass the time. 

After my 3 am arrival in northern Virginia, I pulled the car into the garage, got the dogs settled in the condo, and slept all day. The next few days were filled with unpacking and trying to find a place for everything. [we still have lots of unpacking/organizing left to do - our garage is a mess and no longer fits a car inside of it] I was also able to fit in an evening out in Annapolis with a very dear friend of mine - and what a lovely evening it was. All of that fun had to come to a halt as we packed up the car once again and headed to western PA for Christmas.

We spent five days with my family for the holidays. The days were filled with laughter, warmth, food, drinks, snow, and lots of love. A very merry Christmas it was!

Kings and I continued our travels as we headed to Lancaster, PA to say farewell to a friend who is moving to Japan. We enjoyed a night of remembering old and creating new memories with friends from college.

After all of the excitement, I've returned home [my new home] for a day and a half, only to head off to Philly for NYE festivities. 

Like I said, this month has been a complete whirlwind, but I am proud to say that I have found myself smiling and laughing often, and delighting in the simple things in life.

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