Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Goal for 2013


My one resolution/goal for the year 2013.

I first wrote this phrase on a sheet of paper last fall when I was contemplating starting my own blog. It was the beginning of my favorite time of year - autumn and the transition to winter. This time always seems to bring about whimsy and enchantment - a sense that anything can happen and that everything has just a bit more sparkle.

Well, I have come to realize that this can be true year round. With the right attitude and priorities, life on this planet is magical everyday. Being the planner that I am, I have developed a few objectives to help me achieve this goal.

Create more. Writing, painting, crafting, cooking - all ways to express myself while producing something (I love the feeling of a finished project!)

Go outside. Over the four years I spent living in Florida, I became all too familiar with indoor air. Long periods of extreme heat and humidity left me with no desire to experience the great outdoors. Despite this feeling, I cherish nature and draw pure joy from spending time immersed in it. Marvelous moments are waiting to be discovered everywhere if we will just get out and explore. The great outdoors is good for my soul.

Love me. I have certain things that are secret obsessions of mine. These obsessions are known to very few because I've always been slightly embarrassed  by them. I have finally decided to embrace my quirky/silly/odd interests because they are me. By continually hiding these fascinations, I have hid part of me. I am ready to embrace all of me and start loving me, regardless of others' opinions.

Give more. This isn't just monetarily - actually the monetary givings will likely remain about the same. I want to give more of my time to others - through volunteering, conversing with loved ones, taking my pups for long walks, cuddling on the couch with the mister, etc. Too often I waste time doing insignificant tasks when my time would be better spent giving to others.

I believe the combination of these four objectives, coupled with a sunnier outlook on life, will help me realize how truly magical my world is.

What are your resolutions this year?

Alli J

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