Sunday, March 10, 2013

And I'm back

Okay, I am writing again. For the past month or so, I have completely neglected my blog and any other form of writing, along with any other creative endeavor. You see, I started a job on February 1st – my first teaching gig – and I have been a bit disheveled since then.

During the week, my days are filled with early mornings, long commutes, stressful work environments, (what seems like) endless planning and grading, and bed times of someone 3 times my age. Add to that constantly questioning my life decisions – Is this the right career for me? Can I do this for the next 40+ years? Am I being fulfilled? Am I making a difference? (All questions for discussion in a later post). By the time the weekend rolls around, I’m exhausted and unable to get my brain juices flowing to produce anything.

Last weekend, I escaped that feeling for a little while. Kings and I visited Great Falls Park in northern Virginia. Experiencing nature always calms me and helps me remember just who I am and what I want in this life. Nature brings me back to me.  However, my serene feeling was short-lived as various stressors crept in and another work week began.

Potomac River at Great Falls Park, VA

But this weekend, this weekend was good splendid. Friday evening was spent vegging out – wine/beer, pizza, and comedies. The hubs and I are both trying to have healthier lifestyles so we gave ourselves Friday night as a last hoorah (at least for a while) for greasy, carb-loaded food. Saturday we went on a shopping trip to add some much needed updates to our wardrobes (and found some great deals, I might add). Then, there is today. This morning, after breakfast, I went for a run. Even though I struggled to finish the two miles, the sun was shining, the fresh air was revitalizing, and the endorphins were flowing. Besides bathing the dogs and a few other household chores, I have done nothing else but relax, sip some wine, and collect my thoughts. It was exactly the day I needed.

So, here’s to a rejuvenation of my creativity (and blog) and figuring out my place in this majestic world.

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