Monday, March 25, 2013

It's the most wonderful time....

...of the year. While it's not quite my favorite holiday season, it is a wonderful time for teachers all over the country - spring break!

Now I always enjoyed spring break as a college student but it was mostly a time to hang out with friends without that pesky schoolwork getting in the way. This year, as a teacher, I am ecstatic about the arrival of spring break. Not only do I get a break from the everyday stress of teaching (planning, grading, etc.), but I also have some wonderful plans for this much needed time off.

So what are those plans? I've developed a short list to remind me to enjoy my time, while still being productive.

Spring Break 2013 Fun List

I'm sure many teachers can relate to this, but during the school year it's hard to find time to read just for the sake of reading. Usually I'm busy reading about my content, new practices for the classroom, required texts from the district, etc. So I purchased three books from Amazon last week for my reading pleasure this week. And they have nothing to do with education at all!

2. Exercising my creative muscle
Write, paint, craft, REPEAT. I have not been allowing myself to be creative like I should be, i.e. I haven't been making time for it. This week, I am scheduling time to get the juices flowing and create things.

3. Organizing my life
I know, organizing on a break? But for me, with my slight OCD, organizing all of my stuff brings calmness and order to my life, something I desperately need.

4. Relaxing
I'm talking about the most basic forms of relaxation - vegging out on the couch, watching movies/daytime television, sleeping in, and hanging out with my husband and pups. Bliss!

Hopefully, this week will be just the break I need. I will come out rejuvenated with a new fervor for life.

Anyone else on spring break this week? What are your plans for your time off?

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