Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Quarter Life Crisis - Part 1

Welcome to my quarter life crisis. This "crisis" is something I've been experiencing for the better part of a year now, but has really started hitting hard these last few months. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the term "quarter life crisis", many definitions are strewn across the interwebs; but for me, the term defines this turbulent time where I'm feeling completely lost, going back and forth about what I want to do, who I am, and what I want from this life, and trying terribly not to be jealous of those who seem to have it all together.

While investigating this quarter life crisis, I found this wonderful post, 25 Signs You're Having a Quarter Life Crisis. As I was reading through the list, I just kept saying "yep, that's me" in my head. It turns out that 18 out of the 25 signs apply to how I have been feeling lately. Two of my favorites are numbers 16 and 19, as follows.

"16. You see so clearly the two roads in front of you. A life of comfort and a life of risk. And you're not sure you have the right car or directions to go down either one.

19. Making a budget is completely debilitating. Even thinking about doing your taxes. Debilitating. Buying groceries. Debilitating. Doing dishes. Cooking dinner. Looking for a job. Calling your mom back. Calling your best friend back. Picking up the phone at all. DEBILI-FRICKING-TATING. So you watch four seasons in a row of ____________, while Facebook stalking exes and enemies." [source]

These two almost perfectly describe my current life experience (minus the Facebook stalking in #19, I've outgrown that phase!). Oh, and numbers 22-25 are pretty awesome as well. I won't post them here but you can read them on the original post.

So, part of my journey for this spring break is trying to navigate my ongoing quarter life crisis. Let's see how this goes...

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